IT Support has evolved.
Meet the new standard.
In ITIL standard practice, many global issues remain.
Support Flow Management builds up from ITIL to remove all issues. A set of tool-based capabilities for attentive service from enabled teams.
Eliminate slow & unresponsive support.
Maintain accurate expectations automatically.
Engage breakthrough team performance.
Elevate SLA's | XLA's with advanced metrics.
AI enablement through focused knowledge capture.
Support Flow Management closes the gaps that IT Experience Management cannot reach alone.
FM is "True Best Practice" for IT Support - one half of the Focus Framework.
Flow Management switches focus to what is important - the activity required for attentive service.
Activity-based capability #1 is for Timeliness
#2 is for Reliability
#3 is for Ease
#4 is for AI.

Activity Prioritisation (AP)
Effortlessly guide all required support activity with ideal timing.
Contribution Recognition
Enable cross-queue-teamwork for reliability.
Portal Purposing
Remove Call-Centre reliance by moving to the always responsive Digital Channel Service Desk.
Flow Management is the means for AI success.
Are you losing focus on older tickets?
Do support conversations often fall dead?
Or, does your support flow?

Worldwide, over a quarter of IT support needs are not completed straight-away. A quarter of these turn bad due to unacceptable slowness or service failure*.
By simply enhancing your use of ticket statuses, Activity Prioritisation (AP) merges new ticket responses with timely scheduled progression of all older tickets. The question of "what next?" becomes a thing of the past, and no ticket can be left forgotten.
​AP ensures conversation threads are never missed, nor replies

delayed. Then, with accurate timeframe expectations shared on your service portal, service customers might never need to chase a response again.
Activity required for all Incidents, Requests, Changes, Complex Cases, and Scheduled Work, including from Suppliers, is brought together in a single work pane, sequenced with ideal timing.
See how it compares.
For the complete AP advantage, add Contribution Recognition and choose from a range of integrated capabilities...

Looking for strong performance?
Or, do your teams keenly ensure it?
Contribution Recognition moves focus from closing-down tickets to attentiveness of work guided by AP. Attentiveness is seen in up to 12 types of support activity. Six are high priority including help for co-workers when progression falls behind, breaking-down ticket queue silos, minimising completion time, avoiding SLA breaches, and revitalising performance reviews with a focus on teamwork.
To see how it works, book a demo.
Contribution Recognition is the central component of Team Performance Management. TPM is a set of five capabilities enabling teams to "stay close", particularly beneficial for distributed and WFH teams.

Want maximum uptake for your Digital Channels?
For non-urgent support needs, employees and customers prefer to use a service portal*. When speed is of the essence though, particularly when IT things go wrong, a phone call tends to be the choice.
But Call-Centre reliance has 16 disadvantages that affect those needing support as much as service providers.
Flow Management's Portal Purposing enables the Digital Channel Service Desk. It removes every Call-Centre disadvantage, making Flow Management not only for the 25%, but for every new ticket too.
A third game-changer.

Even though Flow Management removes every global support issue, it's a way-of-working (wOw) that is simply enhancement, not change.
Support is your main “experience arena”. Timeliness makes it good. Timeliness needs Activity Prioritisation. Reliability needs Teamwork. Experience Management needs Flow Metrics. FM produces all three.
Interested in IT Experience ?
Activity Prioritisation is simply an adjustment, but support becomes entirely streamlined across team and enterprise silos.
AI & Automation can only assist

Learn the Focus Framework. Flow Management is one half of the Focus Framework. The other is 20 High Performance Principles upon which FM is based - the criteria necessary for support to be done well. The principles are taught in our free microlearning course for developing advanced Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).​​
The future of human-centric support is here.
Let's shape yours together.
Reduce the Experience Gap without FM capabilities - learn learn FM's 20 good practice principles.
Flow Management DIY? Verify against the Focus Framework.

21 Operational Issues harm IT support. Get the background...